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A new website is in the works

For quite some time now i was thinking "What if i build a better site that dosen't rely on mkdocs and material for mkdcos". I now started building the new Website a few days ago and it has made some good progress, it's being made in Vue (using the Nuxt framework) and with some components from Quasar. With any luck the website might complete this month with gradual updates adding features/changes.

Planned Stuff:

  • Authentication
  • Comments (Maybe)
  • More Colors!
  • Utilities
  • Better Uptime Monitoring with each service having it's own monitoring

At launch, the website probably won't have a blog section, but that will be the top priority for future updates.

Deploying Material for MkDocs to Vercel

Since we are using Vercel for Hosting the Blog to make sure it dosen't go down when our Provider has issues, we thought we'd make a small tutorial on how to Deploy Material for MkDocs to Vercel

We asume you already connected your repo with vercel or set it up some other way.

  1. Go to the Vercel Dashboard and go the Build settings
  2. Enter the following values
Build Command: mkdocs build
Output Directory: site
Install Command: pip install urllib3==1.26.6 && pip install -r requirements.txt

When it's done it should something like this Image showing our Build settings 3. Click on save
4. Try running vercel and if the Build succeeds than you're done!

We hope this helped someone since we had this issue and found nothing online.

We have a new website (again)

This is not an April Fools joke, we really have a new website.

You may now ask yourself why, and the reason is we don't need a complex website and use Material for MkDocs is simple enough. (And we are bad at making Websites lol)